This is my new blogsite!
I hope you enjoy your stay,
    follow me on Twitter

    Jasmine aka Jas{Jaz}.
    18 years old.Chinese.Sarcastic. Loves:art,music, all things Ayumi Hamasaki, sushi,green tea ice cream, green,purple,navy blue&graphic designing ^^. Hates:posers,haters, racists,over dramatics, stupid&inconsiderate people.


    Layout&Graphics:1 2

    Music Playlist at MixPod.com

    Saturday, July 18, 2009 6:49 PM

    I'm so tired! I know I haven't written here in sooo long!
    Only to post new videos I've done xD
    So I thought I'd give you an update on what's happening,
    AS you probably have noticed me and steven joined the youtube community,
    and I have branched off to do my own personal channel. =D
    it's pretty addicting to go out and film new videos xD
    But so far no negative comments and hopefully none do come =S
    Ya steven's computer fails LOL he keeps dropping calls.
    Here are some photos from our (me&emral) trip to Pmall xD

    Us at this cool store called Ones xD so we randomly took pics with cute toys ^-^

    Our Korean appetizers xD I loved the potatos and rice noodles on the left side

    My Unagi Bento Box

    hehe so good! =D

    I'll be sure to write back later! ^-^

    Friday, July 17, 2009 9:38 PM

    New video!
    Wednesday, July 15, 2009 4:35 PM

    Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:49 PM
    Just talking to steven&eddie, soooo tired!

    Monday, July 13, 2009 5:24 PM
    Hey Guys! check out me & steven's youtube channel!
    Please subscribe :D
    thanks so much!!

    4:22 AM

    Sunday, July 12, 2009 10:20 PM
    The more mad I am the quieter I get.
    It's not hard giving up on you.

    9:39 PM
    ok well I am very nervous I am not sure about whether I want to get my eyebrow pierced...but I don't know cus my friends don't like it etc.
    and I don't know I just really don't know...>_<'

    *sigh* I'm having a really stressful time trying to talk to him because he's very ignorant and won't listen to my opinion and it's very frustrating because I hate when people are closeminded.
    It's just frustratingly emotional time. Ugh I'm just getting more pissed, he's just like "I don't care what you have to say" and i'm like o...k... and I just go quiet because wow..I just really hate the way he talks sometimes. Just plain rude to me and hurtful as well.

    8:01 PM
    I'm sure most people know that I LOVE Ayumi Hamasaki, I love her alot hehe.
    So I decided to make the newest layout after her :D
    I even add music application that I will be updating once in a while to suit my moods :P
    Please let me know what you think of the layout?
    in the comment box on the right side :P
    I am free to make any layout requests if anyone wants anything ;]

    Ttylovelies later :D

    funnyyy time,
    1:03 AM
    LOL having this funny convo on skype with navi and a bunch of randoms xD really sarcastic group!

    changed URL,
    Saturday, July 11, 2009 9:39 PM
    I've changed my blog's url to http://shakalohana.blogspot.com

    shaka = relax aloha = love ohana = family

    so even though it says swingingonmars.blogspot on my layout it'll be changed soon when I make a new layout :D

    Jinah :)
    8:37 PM
    As promised here is the link to the blog I was mentioning about in my earlier post about an awesome girl named jinah and how her strength and stamina is an idolizing quality.

    Jinah's Blog Click Here

    7:39 PM
    Ya w.e I know, I'll be ditched whenever I'm not good anymore. Simple as that. I don't need any consolation.

    2:36 PM
    Oh man I really need to make a new blog layout, I am getting so sick of this one >_<
    so i have no idea what the next one should be about, give me some? post them in the comment box if anyone actually reads this although I know no one does xD

    so ya my day...
    has been okay. my new friend has been texting me all day so that's cool aka text dude. Steven has also been texting me which has been really good. just on my laptop and still feeling tired, yesterday was a nutty exhausting day. Eddie left so i wasn't able to talk to him too much. My sister wakes me up with her ringing. Really wanting to go on a roadtrip but as always the only thing that's MIA is a car. -.- oh well some day right?
    hmm...just got a picture msg from the dude...awkward. much older then I thought he'd be...my bad then xD well i'll write back again soon :P

    Friday, July 10, 2009 9:43 PM
    I just wanted to say that I have been reading and watching Jinah's blog and videos. She is so amazing! I think she is such a great idol to us asian girls because there is a pressure to be skinny because you're asian and most asians are skinny. She is a great role model because she show's us the truth behind her life and that she isn't faking any of her info to pretend anything. I love her videos and blogs because they're so inspirational for me. Me not being a really skinny girl either, I feel less alone knowing that someone knows how I feel or felt. Even with my friends they don't understand anything I feel deep down inside.

    Please don't give up Jinah, and you have all of the power to do whatever you want!
    I'll be sure to post up a link to her blog and youtube channel when I'm feeling less tired :P

    8:32 PM
    okk so me and my sister/nephew went to wonderland today and then vaughn Mills...I forgot my season's pass and I thought I wouldn't be able to get in...my sister talked to the dude and he let me in (Y) :D
    WEIRDEST THING THAT HAPPENED...during the ride there, I text my sister and the sender's number (sister's number) is completely different from our area code so I reply what is up with that?
    and the reply tells me that it's not the right recipient's number and that it happens to him all the time and i should text my friend with her number to get it correctly done.
    So me being the curious one, I ask who they are and then from there we just ended up texting alll day LOL it's soo crazy! I am just in shock how I was having this feeling of how I wanted to talk someone and suddenly BAM it happens. xD
    I am just in shock how I made a new friend today :D
    I just have no idea how it happens but I'm not complaining it's nice meeting new people :P

    I went to vaughn and got some ben & jerry mint chocolate milkshake. I also got this sickk Oakley winter jacket for only 50 dollars! it's regularly 200 USD.
    That's so crazy! I am so excited but not til winter comes, I still have my TNA coat x]
    but a very good price nonetheless.

    I will update on what happens with 'text dude',
    Talk to you ladies soon xo

    Ex-Bestfriends Suck
    Wednesday, July 8, 2009 9:43 PM
    Currently dealing with a snotty ex-bestfriend who seems to want to constantly keep bringing up drama with me, that isn't necessary. First thing that's started off my suspician is her facebook status would be "Atleast I don't make up fake boys to make people like me LOL" Yes I SOOO make up fake boys because I just didn't want your bitchy nose in my business? & ofcourse you can say I make up fake boys because I would cry in front of you over fake people right?
    She's just being so rude to me and tops it off with msging me online asking what's up and long time no talk...I really hope karma gets her because I find it very unfair that I don't even talk to the girl but I actually be shittalked and have been shittalked about since the very beginning T_T.
    I hate girls sometimes.

    5:49 PM
    Just wanted to make a quick update, I'll post something later on x]
    I am feeling better :)
    Just dealing with life one day at a time and slowly, can't rush anything.
    I am absolutlely in love with MoA and her cover of COLOURS by Utada Hikaru.
    If anyone knows me they'd know that I absolutely ADORE MoA. She's sooo amazing at singing.
    I am happy to see that she is still singing! :D This song has been helping me cope with alot of things, so check her out! Absolutely amazing voice. Miss you MoA.


    Tuesday, July 7, 2009 5:27 AM
    >_< wtf is with the timing on my blog it's really not 5 am it's 8 am

    5:27 AM
    did I say exhausted?

    5:27 AM

    5:27 AM
    did I say tired?

    5:26 AM
    so tiredd

    5:26 AM

    5:26 AM

    5:00 AM
    blah feeling better...i guess

    Monday, July 6, 2009 3:39 PM
    LOL face is pretty tear stained right at this moment...sort of had a really emotional skype talk with Steven. Oh god he tried to make me feel better but ugh it just doesn't work.
    I don't know what took over me but I just sort of lost it, just started tearing up and finally fully crying while still talking to him. It's funny how I'm not that embarassed to cry in front of him nor is he in front of me. Thank you Steven so much I really appreciate it. I ended up letting him talk to his friends because they kept on annoying me with constant msging on skype so I was like w.e I'm going to take a nap...sort of since I'm just on my laptop with my iPod blasting and random stray tears making their way down my cheek. Why do I feel this way? Stress. Stress to be good enough stress to be enough period. Enough where people don't try..oh shit I'm getting my keyboard wet...But ya enough where people don't need to look for anyone else anymore because you're what they need. But I am already getting this constant fear that I am getting replaced and I just don't like dealing with this again, I went through this already where I wasn't enough for the guy I loved to not crush on other people. I will never be enough will I? Or good enough. I'm tired of feeling this and you know what? I stick by my true attitude. Call me whatever you want because I already have my original attitude and motto. Which is 'Fuck you, I may not be perfect but neither are you.' I'm sick of this society...Someone once told me "Jas, not all guys are jerks.." Well sort of proved me right on that one didn't you? I am done with this, whatever this is.
    I'm done with waiting around because I will never be good enough etc. So this current blog entry is a really emotional one for me. I can't seem to hold these tears back and I feel weak. I have no one to lean on who understands me or how I feel. Why do I have SO much stress? I'm only 18! But I can't help it, I have stress from trying to get life over with. Go to college meet new people I just want to skip this period in life where I have to put up with people's bullshit.
    Ugh I don't know what else to write that I already haven't I find myself feeling grumpy alot towards people who matter but I find myself pushing them away farther and farther. It's easier that way right? If they cared they'd stick by you no matter what but alot of people have disappointed me a long the way.
    I feel that I haven't really been happy in a long time, sure I'll be happy when I'm joking around or hanging out with friends. But when I'm alone I have no reason to be happy. There is a difference between grateful and being happy that I have realized that are completely different. For a long time I have gotten them confused to be the same thing, who knows that I have been completely wrong. Have you ever heard the song by Jesse McCartney called She's No You? Ya I know cheesy but that song is just I want that to happen to me SO badly. To know and be assured that you're not or never going to be replaced by someone no matter what they look like. And that the person wants to be with you and only you.
    "Cus you're all the girl that I have ever dreamed and she's the only a picture in a magazine"
    Ya basically saying that looks don't matter, or ya I know they do, but that person can look at you and still find you the most amazing beautiful person ever? And they are happy with just the way you are.
    People are just disappointing me more and more each and every day...people are just getting more and more shallower. Just aggravating me with bullshit that really don't matter whatsoever.

    Anyways I'm done writing about this I think I have bored myself out enough with this.
    Note to self: People don't always care.

    3:12 PM
    Kay ya I really need to get over this.

    Sunday, July 5, 2009 10:00 PM
    So ya here I am skyping and blogging since I know I haven't really posted a real blog entry in awhile,usually they're like little updates on usual activities on my life. xD

    I am just feeling a bit down lately, just confused and probably shouldn't be feeling this way...especially since if it's toward a guy? :l
    I just feel the more I think about it the more I feel that he doesn't like me and feeling that I can't really compare up. Just sad stuff like that...I don't know I really like him but *sigh* I guess I can't force anything right? I don't want to ruin anything towards the friendship...but I just keep thinking ugh I'm not good enough or pretty enough etc. I feel bad that I even think those thoughts but they are just my usual insecurities. I'm personally too shy to discuss anything like that with him...and I unno he won't visit me...so maybe not a good sign? or I'm doing something wrong but UGH I'm sick and tired of feeling like I'm not doing the right things or lacking somehow..

    I like him alot but maybe I find myself falling for him too fast and too hard.
    Oh well I'll take things slow keep it on a friendly note.

    I shall post later :)

    Skypingg lmao
    Saturday, July 4, 2009 11:34 PM
    Just talking to Eddie right now since Steven went to sleep xD using my new laptop lmao i love itt! just need to get used to the smaller keyboard :P

    Friday, July 3, 2009 8:40 PM
    I just got a new laptop and its so cute I'm using it right now and while skyping the keyboard is soo tiny!
    just excited so tiny and cute and shiinnnyyyy :P

    First day of summer school...
    Thursday, July 2, 2009 5:08 PM

    was a really big change considering there was NO A/C T____T!
    there were sharpie'd (perm. Marker) numbers written over the doors that's how ghetto it was LOL!
    but besides that it wasn't that bad pretty chill'd we did a total of literally...2 assignments XD
    at 11:30 am we went for lunch and I went to shoppers and picked up some makeup ;D

    The compact was by Benefit get even: 35.00 and the Revlon foundation colour stay: Sale 14.99
    and I got these clips at Pmall yesterday when I went with my dad LOL

    They were like 1.99 per pack :) from One's

    Wednesday, July 1, 2009 11:32 PM
    ya I do, I have just gotten this really crappy router to use and uhhh it's taken me awhile to get it fully installed and so here I am blogging on my laptop...wireless ;) I'm super excited I can now xbox while being online on msn! ^^
    The desktop is lower in connection then the laptop :S

    Happy Canada Day Again (:
    9:42 PM

    So I can say I had a pretty good day today which is weird because I spent it with my dad, and usually me and him don't get along...AT ALL. I feel life is looking up a bit more when I have a good day?

    Woke up @ around 10 am today got ready and did some loser camera whoring...I'm terrible at it x.x I haven't done it in soooo long!

    I activated my bluetooth at the restaurant today and I got these random names..

    Summer school starts tomorrow so that'll be a pain -.- I don't mind it just the first day is tense like first day of school feeling just in the summer :(

    Spent my nights talking to Steven&Eddie<3>

    Currently waiting for my sister to call me back so I thought I'd hurry up and write a quick blog entry before I forget xD

    I hope everyone out there is having a great holiday yay no work!

    Graphic Requests?
    12:13 AM
    Yes, I am currently taking graphic requests.
    I am able to make layouts and banners etc.
    Feel free to leave me a comment/msg :) & I'll get back to you A.S.A.P!